traits of a toxic woman
- Christina Daniels|November 8, 2019|dating, healing, marriage, self-love, toxic relationships| 2 comments on 20 Traits of a Toxic Relationship|
Toxic relationships can cause so much wounding. There are six traits of a toxic relationship to help you identify and avoid such relationships.
- Christina Daniels|October 31, 2019|healing, self-love, toxic relationships| 2 comments on 6 Negative Coping Mechanisms That Are Unhealthy & Toxic!|
Individuals with toxic behaviors struggle with feelings of self-hate and victim-mentality. The coping strategy is then fueled by unhealthy coping mechanisms.
- Christina Daniels|October 16, 2019|healing, parenting, self-love, Singleness, strength| 6 comments on 4 Tips to Break Toxic Generational Patterns NOW!|
The generational cycles gained from our childhood environment taught us unhealthy strategies. Learn 3 strategies to break patterns, traumatic cycles, and curse.
- Christina Daniels|October 16, 2019|dating, friendship, love, marriage, parenting, toxic relationships| 0 comments on 9 Causes Of Toxic Relationships!|
Toxic relationships are caused when at least one partner has unmet needs, emotional regulation problems, unhealed trauma, victim mentality, etc.
- Christina Daniels|September 26, 2019|dating, love, Men, Singleness| 3 comments on 4 Ways To Attract The Right Man!|
There are four core areas you can work on to attract and keep the right type of man in your life.
- Christina Daniels|September 2, 2019|dating, friendship, healing, marriage, self-love, toxic relationships| 6 comments on Empaths Attract Narcissists in Relationship: 3 Keys To End Cycle!|
The "victim" and the "unloved man" felt like Gods by the exchange. They both depended on each other to feel powerful.
- Naida Alcime|July 14, 2019|dating, love, Singleness, toxic relationships| 0 comments on How to Avoid Toxic Relationships When You’re Drunk in Love|
Her words were short and direct. “Naida, slow down! You’ve just met him. You don’t know him. Chill.”
- Anonyma|July 4, 2019|dating, friendship, marriage, strength| 0 comments on 8 Steps to Correct Petty Behavior in Relationships|
I considered using my body as a tool for payback and to fuel his anger.
- Christina Daniels|June 19, 2019|dating, love, Men, toxic relationships| 2 comments on 4 Reasons You Are Dating The Wrong Men!|
The reasons you are stuck in toxic patterns are complex [...]