how to avoid expectations in relationship
- Christina Daniels|November 15, 2019|self-love, Singleness, strength| 0 comments on 5 Secrets To Feeling Loved Daily!|
I quite often feel that amazing euphoric high of a new romantic relationship… Yet, I haven’t been in a romantic relationship for 9 YEARS!!
- Christina Daniels|September 26, 2019|dating, love, Men, Singleness| 3 comments on 4 Ways To Attract The Right Man!|
There are four core areas you can work on to attract and keep the right type of man in your life.
- Christina Daniels|November 16, 2018|dating, love, marriage, toxic relationships| 0 comments on 5 Ways To Avoid Unhealthy Romantic Expectations|
Are you in love with the idea of romance or the perfect mate? I was and I didn't even know it!