spiritual warfare
- Christina Daniels|July 27, 2020|Bible Study, faith, Prayer| 4 comments on 7 Prayers for Victory Over Your Enemies|
We don't battle with flesh and blood. Here are six steps to engage in spiritual warfare while praying for victory over your enemies.
- Christina Daniels|April 17, 2020|Bible Study, faith, Prayer| 2 comments on 4 Steps for Beginners Learning How To Pray|
Learning how to pray for beginners starts with a conversation between you and God. Just as you would talk to a friend, it is the same way you speak with God.
- Christina Daniels|April 6, 2020|Bible Study, faith, Hearing God's Voice, Prayer| 4 comments on 5 Secrets for Powerful Prayers That Get Answered!|
Want to know how to fast and pray for a breakthrough? We need to spend time getting to know God. As we get to know God through reading the word we learn what to pray for.
- Christina Daniels|February 24, 2020|Bible Study, dreams, faith, Hearing God's Voice, Prayer| 26 comments on 100 Spiritual Warfare Prayer Points + Bible Verses!|
There are 12 secrets to spiritual warfare that I've learned in my journey with God. Use these tips to be powerful in the spirit!
- Christina Daniels|December 30, 2019|Bible Study, faith| 0 comments on 10 Biblical Tips to Break Generational Curses!|
Prayer to break curses works when you go after the strong man. Disobeying God's law teaches us "unhealthy" coping mechanism and behaviors.