Prayer to break curses works when you go after the strong man. Disobeying God's law teaches us "unhealthy" coping mechanism and behaviors.
6 Negative Coping Mechanisms That Are Unhealthy & Toxic!
Individuals with toxic behaviors struggle with feelings of self-hate and victim-mentality. The coping strategy is then fueled by unhealthy coping mechanisms.
4 Tips to Break Toxic Generational Patterns NOW!
The generational cycles gained from our childhood environment taught us unhealthy strategies. Learn 3 strategies to break patterns, traumatic cycles, and curse.
9 Causes Of Toxic Relationships!
Toxic relationships are caused when at least one partner has unmet needs, emotional regulation problems, unhealed trauma, victim mentality, etc.
4 Ways To Attract The Right Man!
There are four core areas you can work on to attract and keep the right type of man in your life.
Empaths Attract Narcissists in Relationship: 3 Keys To End Cycle!
The "victim" and the "unloved man" felt like Gods by the exchange. They both depended on each other to feel powerful.
How to Avoid Toxic Relationships When You’re Drunk in Love
Her words were short and direct. “Naida, slow down! You’ve just met him. You don’t know him. Chill.”
8 Steps to Correct Petty Behavior in Relationships
I considered using my body as a tool for payback and to fuel his anger.
4 Reasons You Are Dating The Wrong Men!
The reasons you are stuck in toxic patterns are complex and cannot be summed up in a quiz, article, or youtube video. People are unique; Everyone on this earth has a different personality, original experiences with people, and deal with pain in their own way. However, I have made an attempt to generalize some of the issues that might be causing your perpetual relational issues. In my Youtube video, Why Am I Attracting The Wrong Men?, I give four main reasons that may be causing you to be stuck in unhealthy relationships. I also explain ways you can grow in those four areas in my Youtube video, 4 Ways To Attract…
5 Ways To Avoid Unhealthy Romantic Expectations
Are you in love with the idea of romance or the perfect mate? I was and I didn't even know it!