Christians in Politics: Are you bringing light or darkness?
In any political debate, you should be a light for the Gospel. Snarky sarcasm, hidden jabs, passive aggressive statements, and deep anger are all signs you are probably not motivated by love.
In any political debate, you should be a light for the Gospel. Snarky sarcasm, hidden jabs, passive aggressive statements, and deep anger are all signs you are probably not motivated by love. Jesus sat with the sinners because He knew that love, understanding, and anger didn’t change people’s behaviors or minds.
Jesus Christ came to give us a second chance no matter how guilty we are. We have ALL fallen short of the glory of God. “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23
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“If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.” 1 John 1:8-10
Why can’t we let people have a voice?
Let people mourn without devaluing their pain by constantly pointing out the devil’s work to further rip apart humanity.
Let people pray to resolve the confusion and uncertainty that 2020 is presenting.
Let people have their own opinion. Do have civil discussions but Facebook reprimands don’t change hearts it further provokes anger.
Let’s persuasively share steps for action instead of judging others for your perception of inaction.
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Why are we so focused on being right?
After living and working in DC in politics, finishing my masters in political science, I realized that I was only focused on being RIGHT! I wasn’t absorbing what other people were saying or feeling in respects to most topics. I’m not confrontational so it really took a toll to find myself disagreeing with people.
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I took a LONG step away from politics because I was actually ashamed of my heart and fearful of the ego of others. But, that time of stepping away brought me healing and perspective. I have answers to the questions I thought long and hard on for the past 5 years — Why do I have to be right? My ego? Why can’t I understand someone’s pain or perspective without trying to contest or logically pick it apart? Are the perspectives of others valid? Is there a possibility that I’m potentially misinformed or ill-informed?
If you find that you can’t understand someone’s feelings or point… That’s a redflag. Or, that you don’t care to sympathize with them… I suggest you take a step back, pray, and have healthy conversations to enlighten yourself.
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It’s okay to ask questions and just listen, that’s actually a part of the main goal for a democracy… Even if you’re highly opinionated and disagree… Get multiple perspectives because everyone’s “bubble”, “struggle” and “perspective” is VERY different. Understanding is a natural skill for healthy relationships and can actually bring more change than arguing. It enables you to plant seeds of change that will grow by God’s grace.
I’m still learning, but as a CIVICS teacher for middle schoolers I made it my mission to teach students this skill. Heart before EGO.